My personal experience

I know many people who have suffered, and I often see posts on Facebook, etc from those who used to suffer or still do.  Many stop using preventative measures once the pain is gone and then seem surprised when it occurs again (such as wearing flip flops).

I am not an orthopedic specialist or podiatric specialist but am sharing how I cured my own plantar fasciitis and have used prevention successfully for the last 4 years.

I first suffered with both feet early in 2010. I tried the tennis ball method, used orthotics, did stretches. It did improve slowly but flared up twice more. The final time was in 2015 and it was only in my left foot.

I followed the same advice I'd been given and looked online for advice. Tennis ball on my arch and stretches did not work. I learned about using a night splint to keep my foot straight instead of bent. The first morning after I used this I was amazed that I had no pain when my foot hit the floor getting out of bed.

This is similar to the night splint I used for about 6 or 8 months: 

It looks uncomfortable, but I was surprised how well I adjusted to it. 

I also stopped going barefoot. I bought Vionic slippers which have excellent arch support and are adjustable:

I have orthotic inserts, but never bought any that are specially fitted for me. I use them in shoes that don't have arch support.  Otherwise, I only buy shoes with good arch support.  

I also wear Abeo sandals with great fit and arch support and adjustability:

As I stated, it has been 4 years since I suffered.  
